Living a Life of Love

360 posts

The seasons of our lives

  I often have a hard time letting go of summer. But as I watch the red and orange leaves gently wisp through the air, only to rest on the gentle roll of the lake, I am reminded of the beauty of fall. The older I get, the more inclined I am to embrace all the seasons. As we move from summer to fall, I am learning to trust the transition. Much like the seasons of our lives, opening up to it and even being […]

Our Vertical relationship with God

Do you ever think about your relationship with God? I never really thought of it as a vertical relationship but that is exactly what it is. Up and down, much like the seasons of our lives or the flow of a river. There may be times when you feel really plugged in to God and Spirit. And other times, you might feel disconnected. However, if you have ever had an encounter with God, you know, that’s when everything changes. These “God-moments” let us know, there […]

Be a lighthouse

              Light is a powerful thing. When darkness surrounds you, a little light can help you see your way out. It makes me think of the lighthouse. A light so bright it can guide you safely home. We just returned from a trip to the coast where I rekindled my love of lighthouses. As we discovered one of the oldest on Oak Island, we managed to walk up on the last tour of the season. Standing there, gazing up […]

Draw near to God and God will draw near to you!

One of my all time favorite verses in the Bible is James 4:8. It reads, “draw near to God and God will draw near to you.” It does not say if you do this, this and this, then God will come to you. In fact the NIV reads, “Come near to God and God will come near to you.” This is a promise. Some years back, I experienced one of the darkest times in my life. It became the catalyst for my book, The Me […]

First day, let’s pray

Yesterday was the first day of school. There is always a lot of anxiousness with a brand new school year, but with it being my son’s senior year, we have shifted into excitement. We have a tradition, a motto, “First day, let’s pray.” This year is no different. When the alarm clock goes off, we are all up and at ’em. Except now that he is older, there are no lunches to pack and no clothes to lay out. It feels a lot like a […]

To live a life of love…

Have you ever thought about what it means to ‘live a life of love?” Full of Christ’s love to the point of overflowing? Sometimes life distracts us, pulling us down to the depths of reality. Current circumstances leave little room for love, peace or even joy. Maybe we don’t feel like loving or like being loved. But God’s Word tells us how to get there and why we should. Ephesians 5:1-2 reads, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love; […]