First day, let’s pray

Yesterday was the first day of school. There is always a lot of anxiousness with a brand new school year, but with it being my son’s senior year, we have shifted into excitement. We have a tradition, a motto, “First day, let’s pray.” This year is no different.

When the alarm clock goes off, we are all up and at ’em. Except now that he is older, there are no lunches to pack and no clothes to lay out. It feels a lot like a send off. We sense it. This is the last first day of school.

As he grabs his backpack and his keys, he heads for the door. He is ahead of schedule. I step toward him to give him a hug, and I realize what an emotional year it is going to be. Even more reason to pray.

…be anxious about nothing, instead pray…

As I embrace him, a little longer than normal, we both take a deep breath. I remind him of Philippians 4:6, that says, “not be anxious about anything, but instead to pray.” I don’t even have to ask, as his dad comes along side us and we bow our heads.

We thank God for the day and ask blessings for this senior year. I pray God to continue to draw Luke in to a deeper relationship, that he will experience God in very real ways. Then, we thank God for the school, teachers and an amazing first day.

As he leaves for school, so do I. There is another tradition I have participated in most of the 12 years Luke has been in school. “First day, let’s pray,” is a time for parents to gather around the flag pole, on campus and pray together.

We give thanks to God for provision, protection, direction and revelation. We pray for our kids to know and live the truth and to have courage. We ask for revival and transformation. We commit to love well.

There is something quite amazing that happens when we seek God first in all things. When we put God first in all areas of our lives, the rest has a way of falling into place. First day, let’s pray should be our motto everyday.

Put God first in everything!

I am thankful for this last first day of school and all the other days we get here on earth. Psalms 150:6 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”  That’s me and that’s you.

When we start our day with God, God puts everything else in order. Every day can be a first day.

Let’s pray;

Dear Lord, this is the day that YOU have made, we will rejoice and be glad in. With YOU first in our lives, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. May we never forget. And with all our breath, let us forever praise Your name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

P.S. Leave me a comment because I love hearing from you. Forward this message to a friend and share it on Facebook. Until next time, practice putting God first in all areas of your life. -M


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