Living a Life of Love

360 posts

Miracles – Help is on the way!

Have you ever needed help? Maybe you are experiencing one of those storms of life we talked about last week. Whatever your circumstance, when you hear the words, “Help is on the way,” you know everything is going to be okay. But there is a miracle in that help and we don’t have to wait on it. Years ago, while my husband was at work, my lower back went out. I remember laying in the bed, unable to physically move. As I yelled out in […]

Miracles – How to deal with the storms of life

Let’s talk about storms. Not just those terrifying thunder-boomers that sneak up on a hot summer afternoon, but those proverbial storms of life. We all experience them. However, how we deal with them makes all the difference. Often, in the middle of a lightning storm, I will find my husband on the front porch, mesmerized as it blows in. He loves storms. I, on the other hand, will hunker down, praying it passes quickly. We all handle the storms of life differently, but we must […]

Here come the miracles!

Do you believe in miracles? I think it’s a relevant question. Do you? I do. I have experienced more miracles than I can count. They range in size and significance from finding my keys to meeting an angel when my mom had a horrific car accident years ago. Miracles are real and today I want us to talk about them. I actually want you to open up to the possibility of miracles. Because if you will, they have the power to change your life. Watch […]

Here’s a miracle you don’t have to wait on.

I am so excited to launch into our next series on “Miracles, Miracles Everywhere.” However, as I prepared, I realized I may have rush passed the biggest miracle ever. I have to wonder how many miracles I miss every day in my haste?  But there is one miracle you don’t have to wait on. As I began writing this blog, I could not seem to move passed what we’ve already studied. I am so eager to get to John 21 and The Big Catch of […]

Blessed to believe!

Did you know we are blessed to believe? That’s what Jesus says. In fact, by believing, we are made happy in Christ. We are given life. As we move from doubting to believing, let’s look at these powerful words of Christ and see if we can find that blessed life He’s talking about. Last week, we saw Thomas refuse to believe that his Lord and Savior had been raised from the dead and had appeared to many. He even stated, “Unless I see for myself, […]

After Easter; Do you ever doubt?

Let’s get real for a moment, do you ever doubt? Maybe you doubt you are going to get that job, or wonder if God is ever going to heal you? You might feel like you will never be able to get out of debt? Doubts are normal and most of us have them. But Jesus teaches us to “Stop doubting and believe.” For those of us who doubt, this may seem impossible. But today, I want to give you hope that with God all things […]