Living a Life of Love

360 posts

the deep roots of winter – Part 2 – the pruning

Although I am not much of a gardener, I realize winter is a great time for pruning. Cutting back all that overgrowth prepares the shrub to grow bigger in its next season. And just like pruning is necessary for the bush, we also need pruning in our own lives. Last week, while writing about the deep roots of winter, I discovered that this is our time of preparation. As roots go deeper in winter, we too have an opportunity to go deeper with God. Being […]

the deep roots of winter

Winter is my least favorite season. If not for Christmas, I would just assume skip ahead. But there is purpose in winter that I never knew existed. Today, I want to share with you the importance of the deep roots of winter and the lessons I am learning. Living in NC, I always dread the wet weariness of February. With shorter days and longer nights, life seems to creep along in slow motion. I find myself asking if winter will ever end? Then, as if […]

One thing remains…

Well, Valentine’s Day has come and gone. You might be over the whole ‘love’ thing. Maybe life has gotten stale and boring? Or it feels like everything is falling apart? You might feel forgotten, lonely, or even overlooked. But today, I want to encourage you, even when the whole world lets you down, one thing remains… Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays, giving me a reason to decorate the house with hearts and love. But for many, this holiday is a solemn reminder […]

The Lord not only sees me, the Lord knows me.

As comforting as it is that God sees me, there is purpose and enlightenment in the fact that the Lord knows me. Sometimes I get stuck on themes in scripture like Isaiah 6, which led me to last week’s blog of Hagar’s encounter with “the One who sees me.”  As I experience God, I am led from a God who sees me to a God who knows me. Isaiah must have felt much the same. Let’s look at it again. Isaiah 6:1-8 NIV.  “I saw the […]

I see the Lord…

Praise is powerful, but God’s presence is life-changing. Last week, I shared my own experience of coming into God’s presence through praise. I felt as if I saw the Lord. Since that time, I have had one scripture and one song running through my head, as if it is on a loop. Isaiah 6:1-4 NIV reads; “I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2 Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings […]

The importance of praise

When’s the last time you praised God? It has been a really long time for me and I didn’t even realize it. With modified church services due to the prolonged pandemic, I somehow lost my sense of worship. However, there is importance in praising God, maybe more than I imagined. Tuning into the local worship service through Facebook live last Sunday, I noticed something was missing. Where was the praise portion of the worship service? Although some songs were sung, it is hard to worship […]