Have you ever been given a gift but you didn’t know you had it? I have. Gifts are meant to be received and shared. In doing so, we experience more unknown gifts, like joy. That is how the Holy Spirit works. By receiving the Spirit of God, the Spirit gives us more gifts. But if we never discover the original gift, all those other little gifts go unrecognized. Last week, I was given an unknown gift, but I almost missed it. Dr. James Howell, senior […]
Living a Life of Love
I never dreamed our journey to the cross way back in April would lead us to this “power from heaven.” But, as we continue to discover why we have been given The Holy Spirit, many of our questions are being answered. Two weeks ago, we learned “how we can be sure we have this power.” Last week, we unlocked the Why-Because. This week, we are going to find out WHAT we are supposed to do with it. It is the missing piece to an active, […]
Back in January, I began writing blogs for 2020 with the theme of “seeing with our spiritual eyes.” It made sense. Who doesn’t want to have perfect vision from a spiritual standpoint? But, why would I write about strengthening our spiritual eyes even though I had no idea how much we were going to need them? Because the Holy Spirit knows all things. Imparting wisdom, the Spirit was teaching me that when we see things from a spiritual perspective, we see things a whole lot […]
In the midst of our global pandemic, raging political climate and escalating racial injustice, it is hard to be sure of anything. But as believers, there is one thing we can be sure of; the Holy Spirit lives within us. Last week, we learned about the power from heaven and where to find it. Today, I want to show you how you can be sure you have it and why this is so important. In Acts Chapter 2, the crowd is amazed as the power […]
Did you know that we have access to the power from heaven? That power is the Holy Spirit living within us. Today, I’m going to show you where to find it and how easily you can experience God through it. As we have followed Jesus, through his last days, and even his days after his death, we see this power from heaven displayed over and over again. Through His life, miracles and even death, we experience God through Jesus. Jesus gives us the keys to […]
There is something mysterious about repentance and forgiveness. John the Baptist shouted, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” Once Jesus arrived, he preached the very same message. And in Luke 24:44-49 ESV, we hear it again when Jesus says; “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then he opened their minds […]