Power from heaven and where to find it

Did you know that we have access to the power from heaven? That power is the Holy Spirit living within us. Today, I’m going to show you where to find it and how easily you can experience God through it.

As we have followed Jesus, through his last days, and even his days after his death, we see this power from heaven displayed over and over again. Through His life, miracles and even death, we experience God through Jesus. Jesus gives us the keys to unlock that same power He has been displaying within His own life. It begins with Jesus’s message of repentance and forgiveness but it doesn’t stop there.

Affirming God’s promise of the coming Holy Spirit, Jesus instructs his disciples “to stay in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills them with this power from heaven.” The same spirit that dwells within Jesus is now on the way to dwell within these disciples.

In Acts 2:1-7 NLT, we see that promise fulfilled, as we read,

On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. At that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem. When they heard the loud noise, everyone came running, and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers. They were completely amazed.

When was the last time you were completely amazed?

The definition of amazed is, feeling or showing great surprise or wonder. The word ‘wonder’ makes me think of a child. As a child, I was always filled with wonder. From the buzzing bees to the chirping birds, even the big fluffy white clouds that gently glide across the sky, creation amazed me.

As I grew older, my wonder began to diminish. I wanted to grow up fast. Later, when I had my son, it seemed I was in a hurry for him to grow up too, pushing him to crawl, walk and talk. Why am I in such a hurry to grow up? What’s wrong with being child-like? Jesus even said, “the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the little children.”

As believers, there is a power we have access to. We don’t have to wait on it like the disciples did. However, it is in our haste that we forget about it. Slowing down helps us remember that the power from heaven is God’s spirit living inside of us. It is here! It is now!

Here are a few things that will help us access it;

  • Repentance and forgiveness are a great place to start.
  • Prayer. Talking with God is being with God. This will lead you to repentance and forgiveness and to a deeper relationship with God.
  • Reading the scriptures. Every promise God has ever made is recorded in the Bible. We get to see those promises fulfilled. This builds our faith in God.

Do you know where to find this power from heaven? 

Ultimately, as believers, we want to know God is real. We want to experience God’s presence. This may be why we go to church or listen to praise music, just hoping God will show up. And God does. In these moments, we experience the Holy Spirit working within us and we begin to get our wonder back.

God is amazing and will surprise us with wisdom, understanding and insight. Through God’s spirit, we are sometimes comforted and maybe even healed. God’s Spirit fills us with love, peace and joy. And wonder! You know the funny thing about kids, they notice the extraordinary in the ordinary. Maybe we need to slow down and look for that power from heaven and realize that the Spirit of God is not only within me, God is within you too!

Wanna go deeper? Take some time today to sit outside. Close your eyes and listen to all the sounds you hear. Recognize that God is in the ordinary, making it extraordinary. 

Come back next week, as we discover how we can know for sure that we have access to this power from heaven.

Let this song below be your prayer today. Offer it up as your spiritual act of worship. -M

(If you cannot see the YouTube video below, open from your browser.) 


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