Living a Life of Love

359 posts

When strengthening my spiritual eyes, I need to see things for what they are.

I learned an important lesson last week; when strengthening my spiritual eyes, I need to see things for what they are. The other morning, I woke up with an unfamiliar song in my head. I could hear the guitar and the rhythm but I could not hear the words. Dragging myself out of bed, I made my way to the coffee and my Bible. But the tune I woke with would not be silenced. It was as if the song was longing to be recognized. […]

How far can you see? Trust me, it’s farther than you think!

As I continue my quest for strengthening my spiritual eyes, I realize there is so much more to God than what my eyes can possibly see. I’m a star gazer. Even though I really can’t see that far, I love looking up at a clear night’s sky. With all those twinkling little diamonds suspended in the air, I often wonder how much more is out there that I just can’t see. The other night, I was looking up at this really bright star. I’ve seen […]

2020 – Refresh your mind in order to restore your sight!

If I’m going to achieve perfect vision in 2020, then I need to refresh my mind in order to restore my sight. I have a tendency of moving on to the next thing. No matter how big or small, once I achieve it or get through it, I’m moving on. Take for instance, when I published my first book, The Me Disease in March of 2019. This was a life long dream of mine. But once I did it, I quickly moved on to the […]

Do you see what I see? How to achieve perfect vision in 2020

I have never been able to see 20/20 on the eye chart. In fact, remove my contacts and I can’t even see the big letter at the top. Oh, I know it’s there. But to me, it is like a big black smudge. It’s gotten to be a bit of joke when my husband says “Do you see what I see?” knowing good and well that I don’t. However, in an effort to achieve perfect vision over the years, I have tried glasses, contacts and […]

Let’s go and see for ourselves.

I’m the kind of person that has to see something for myself before I believe it. I want to see it, touch it and feel it. Maybe I’m skeptical or maybe, that’s just how my brain works. I am all about an experience! I would have loved to have been a shepherd on that starry night when those angels appeared in the sky announcing our Savior’s birth. Luke 2:15-20 from The Message reads;  “As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. […]

Christmas is over. Or is it?

It is hard to believe that one week ago today it was Christmas morning. That was the day I was reminded that Love Came Down. Everything leading up to the birth of our Lord and Savior has been wrapped in magic for me this year. It all began with what I was Expecting for Christmas. I intentionally set my expectation and by doing so, created some kind of Christmas magic for me that continued throughout the season. So on Christmas morning, I was not surprised […]