Like many of you, last weekend we waited for Hurricane Florence to arrive. And waited. And waited. We “hoped for the best, and planned for the worst“. I found myself glued to the television, watching the devastation the storm left behind. I saw one of my favorite restaurants in South Port get washed away, as well as homes and beaches ravaged by the wind and rain. I felt helpless for the victims, yet fortunate that it was not me. It was a weird feeling. I was so thankful the Hurricane skirted around […]
Living a Life of Love
As we in North Carolina prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Florence, a sense of urgency has descended upon us. The gas stations lines are long and the grocery stores lines are longer. Bread, milk and water is disappearing fast, as we brace for what could be the worst storm since 1989. You would think we were expecting snow. We are definitely expecting something. The problem is we don’t really know what to expect. I saw a post on Facebook that read, “how do we get ready?” The question was sincere. Instinctively […]
I believe everyone can hear or experience God. In last week’s blog, I encouraged you to share those stories. Later in the week, in my Facebook Group, I video requested you to share your stories. I was delighted to hear from you. But, if you’ve never experienced or heard from God, you might be thinking that you don’t have a story to share. I want to share a story with you in hopes of encouraging you to press into God. In 1 Samuel Chapter 3:1-11, we are told a story about the first […]
This weekend I had the opportunity to share my story at a local Prayer Breakfast. The theme of the day was “Following God’s Call”. I was overjoyed because me and my family are indeed following God’s call for our lives. God quickly directed me to Deuteronomy 4:9-10, paraphrased, “Do not forget what your eyes have seen. Teach them to your children. Remember… ” As children of God, we must remember ‘what our eyes have seen’ and share those stories. By sharing our stories with one another, we are following God’s call for our […]
I remember being at a spiritual retreat where we spent some time thinking about our old wounds. We were encouraged to let go of anything that we might be hanging on to, whether un-forgiveness, anger or resentment. This act of confession would then clear the way for God to do a new thing. Initially, I thought this was a waste of time since I couldn’t really think of anything that might be bothering me. I was surprised, as I sat in this quiet space, when God began to reveal some resentment I had been […]
Today is the first day of school and as the alarm clock goes off, me and my son hit the ground running. There’s always a lot of rushing in our home when school begins and I often feel like I’m on that old game show “Beat the Clock“. I finish packing his lunch, as he grabs his water bottle and we head out the door. We are ahead of schedule. Imagine that. As I drive, we make small talk about the day, his locker, his lunch. And my 8th grader admits he has butterflies. […]