Living in the Spirit

I love writing about the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God intrigues me. Apparently it does you too, with all the shares and comments I have received lately. Thank you for that! I like to think I am living in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Sometimes, I have a hard time keeping up.

Take today for example. As I prepared to write my blog, I had this memory pop up on Facebook. It read;

“Ever just concerned about what lies before you? Whether it is your day, a scan, a test, a trial, a decision? For me, its a dream. A dream I’m willing to chase after. Psalm 139 reminds me this morning that there is no where I can go that the Spirit is not there. For me, that is comfort. Once upon a time, I had a church chore to do. I was dreading it, didn’t want to do it, didn’t want to be there. When I got there, my friend was there, waiting on me. I had forgotten she would be helping too. But when I arrived and she was there, my spirit was lifted, my burden was lightened and my mood changed. Such comfort, her just being there. That’s how it is. We forget that the Spirit is already there, waiting on us. Walking with us. To comfort us and lighten our load. Where can you go that the presence of God is not waiting for you? No where. So why do you dread? Because you forget. Remembering is key. I don’t know what lies before you today, but rest assured, you have a friend waiting to go with you. All you need to do is remember.

The Spirit knows.

I had forgotten that I even wrote this. But, the truth is, I am still concerned for what lies before me. Thank the Lord I have The Spirit of God within me, leading and guiding me. This memory was two years prior to me selling my business to write a book. Back then, the book was the dream I was chasing after.

That dream was fulfilled in March of 2019 with the publication of The Me Disease. All I can say is “Thanks be to God!” I had no idea how hard it would be to write and publish that book. I hoped I could do it, but I didn’t know if I actually could.

Through God’s Spirit, I was encouraged to keep going. I sold my business, started the blog, published the book and spoke 13 times in eleven months. God did that! I am not boasting here, I am remembering. This is me living in the Spirit.

Now, I am halfway through writing my second book, OTHERS; The Ripple Effect. Ironically, I am met with many of the same feelings I faced the first time around. But the Spirit is with me, encouraging me through something as simple as an old Facebook memory. God is amazing !

I want to let you in on a little secret. It’s my “Why.”

Why do I do what I do?

Why did I write a book in the first place? Or start that blog and give all those talks? Why do I love to talk to people one on one about their faith?

My purpose is to help others have a deeper relationship with God. Because no matter where you are in your relationship, there is always more of God. I want you to experience the Spirit working in your life like I experience the Spirit working in mine. Living in the Spirit makes my faith come alive and makes God real to me. I don’t claim to have it all figured out. I struggle everyday. But those are the days when I often hear God whisper, “Trust me” and I can keep on keeping on. God is real. By recognizing how real God is,  you can transform your relationship with God and your relationship with everyone else. God is my passion. That’s why I do what I do.

Let us pray;

Spirit of God, thank you that you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you are familiar with all my ways. I am so grateful that there is no where I can go that your Spirit is not with me. Help me to live by your Spirit, keeping in step with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. -M


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