A new book and a new beginning…

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” I remember proclaiming this verse a year ago as I sold my business to follow a dream of writing a book. Although scared, I embraced the idea of entering into a process of writing, editing and publishing a book. Unsure of where I was going or what I was doing, I stepped forward, right into a brand new beginning.

It has been tough. I’m not going to lie. Often, I had to coerce myself to finish the book, make the changes, and work the process. Now, with the end in sight, I realize the  journey is as important as the finish. Oh the lessons I have learned and continue to learn about who God is and who I am. God reminds me daily that all I need to do is trust Him. It sounds so easy. I can’t even count how many times God has whispered to my soul, “Trust me, Trust me, Trust me.”Find JOY in the journey

Today, I am reminded of God’s faithful love for me as I stand at the doorway of the publication of my first book, The Me Disease, which will be available on Amazon this Sunday, March 10th. It seems so surreal. I know I am standing at the threshold of another new beginning. Maybe that’s how God intends it to be. Every morning is in fact the beginning of a brand new day.

Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV says, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” God is so much more faithful to me than I am to Him. Yet His love for me never ends, never wavers, never diminishes. Praise the Lord, His faithfulness and love for me are not dependent upon my faithfulness to Him!  

I feel as if God has been ordaining my days lately. Looking back, I see God ordains every day. I’m just unaware of it most of time. Last week, I was overwhelmed with all these tedious steps needed to complete this book. Thursday, I carried a heaviness on me that became unbearable. I could not shake it. But, around 2 p.m. that overwhelming feeling lifted. It just vanished. Come to find out, I had some folks praying for me. I didn’t even know it. Praying me through the process. That’s God ordaining my day. I’m convinced their prayers lifted that burden off of me. That is the power of prayer and that is the power of God. As evening fell and morning rolled around, my peace was fully restored. God is so good!

Psalm 143:8 NIV says,Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
    for to you I entrust my life.”

I have entrusted my life to God. And I feel as if God is showing me the way. Everything I have comes from Him. Why would I not turn around and give it back. It’s His and I am His. And every day is a gift from God. Every day is a new beginning. I would encourage to reflect on what God had given you. Look for the new beginnings in your life. And thank God because “every good and perfect gift is from above….”The Me Disease Book

I have a good gift coming and it is the book. It is a gift that God gave me and I am excited to share it with you. As subscribers, followers, encouragers and supporters of me and my journey, I want to offer this gift to you first. So stay tuned in the coming days, and I will tell you how you can be the first to get a FREE digital download of the book.

In the meantime, I just want to thank the Lord for all that He’s done for me, “for making me whole and saving my soul, thank you Lord.” Let this song be your thankful prayer back to God. (if you can’t see the song clip, click on the page and view it from the website.) One of the things I thank God for is you. I need you. We need each other, to pray for each other and carry each others burdens. So I just wanted you to know, I am thankful for you. -M

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