Our Eternal Advent; Unwrapping the Gifts

The wrapping and unwrapping of gifts is one of my favorite parts of Christmas. In the wrapping, I find peace and solace in the preparation of the gift itself. But in the excitement of the unwrapping, I discover love and joy. These are all gifts of our Eternal Advent.

Last week, we focused on hope and how “hope sparks light” which leads us to all the other gifts. Today, as we unwrap the gift of peace, let us begin to notice all the places we find it and even those we don’t.

When the great company of angels appeared in Luke chapter 2, they first praised God by saying, ”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Those lowly shepherds must have been scared to death. Their peace was hiding as the angel tried to give it back to them. My study note reads, “Peace is not assured to all, but only to those pleasing to God — the objects of his good pleasure. The angels proclaimed a deeper, more lasting peace than that — a peace of mind and soul made possible by the Savior. Peace with God is received by faith in Christ.” 

“Peace with God is received by faith in Christ.” 

Lately, I have been relishing in a season of peace. Recognizing peace as a gift, I have been praising God, thanking Him for it. Like many of us, we are waiting for so many things. My nature is to rush ahead of God. When I do, anxiety takes over and peace runs and hides. But, finding myself in this Eternal Advent, I am clinging to the gift of peace in hopes that I can hang on to it just a little longer.

Many years ago, while tearing through our gifts, we overlooked a tiny one tucked up under our tree. Later in the day, as I cleaned up crumpled shiny wrap and torn up bows, I noticed it, hidden. It was as if it had been waiting for me to find it. Kind of like Jesus on Christmas morning.

As we continue to unwrap the gifts of our Eternal Advent, I want to assure you that peace is waiting on us, just like Jesus is. Here are some tips that help me hang on to my peace. My prayer is that they will help you as well.

  • Pay attention. Where do you feel peace? Where are the places you do not? Peace and God coincide. When you have lost your peace, have you taken your eyes off Jesus?
  • Breathe. Slow down and take a few deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. This is the fastest way to rid yourself of anxiety and an excellent way to reconnect with God.
  • Pray. As you breathe, ask God to restore your peace. Breathe in the peace of Christ, being confident that God not only hears your prayers, but answers them.
  • Praise God. One of the best ways to not only restore peace but to keep it is by praising God. Praise is our gift back to God. When the angels showed up in Luke 2:14, they were praising God.

Praise proceeds peace.

Well, I have to tell you, that season of peace I was experiencing vanished like a dream the other night.  Replaced by fear and worry, I realized I had taken my eyes off Jesus. As my anxiety grew, I knew I had to do something. So, I began to first pay attention. I proceeded to some deep breathing exercises, and asked God to restore my peace. I knew it was here somewhere, just hiding. Then, I turned on some praise music and sang my heart out. It wasn’t long before I noticed my peace was coming back.

Peace is a gift from God and one worth paying attention to. This Christmas, let’s take time to unwrap all the gifts of our Eternal Advent. Then, in response to those precious gifts, let’s give God the gift of our praise. “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” 

Make this song your prayer. (If you can’t see it, open this message from your browser.)

Come back next week, as we unwrap our next gift, “goodwill toward men.” That’s God’s love for us. -M

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