The best time to pray

the miracle of prayer








Do you know the best time to pray? Now. Right now is the best time to pray. Today, we are going to look at the benefits of prayer.

For whatever reason, when the kids go back to school, it always reminds me to strengthen my prayer life. This year is different though. My student is now in college. He’s older, more independent. But that does not change anything. Actually, it reminds me how important it is to continue to pray for him.

For my son, there is usually some anxiousness with a brand new school year. This year, I noticed, there was even more. I guess, 13 years at the same school can develop familiarity.  As he moves out of his comfort zone into new places, everything seems different. My son’s nervousness is big.

But we have a remedy for the first day jitters. Now is the best time to pray!

I miss the days when he was little and I drove him to school. I remember one particular day, he was super nervous. He even told me, “Mom, I feel like there are butterflies in my belly.” In those moments, we would pause, take a few deep breaths, and we would pray. It never failed, peace and calm would follow.

I still love to pray with him. Usually, it is when he is on his way out of the house. It’s a grab and go kind of prayer. But on this day, I embraced him a little longer than normal. We both took a deep breath and I reminded him of Philippians 4:6  which says, “not be anxious about anything, but instead to pray.” I don’t even have to ask, as his dad comes along side us and we bow our heads.

…be anxious about nothing, instead pray…

We thank God for the day and ask blessings for this brand new year. I pray God will continue to draw Luke into a deeper relationship with Him, and that he will experience God in very real ways. Then, we thank God for another amazing day.

Sometimes, I forget the power of prayer and the impact it has on our lives, on a day, or a moment. Prayer is a privilege. In those holy moments, we are having a conversation with the God of everything.

I believe the best time to pray is now. If you are not sure where to start or what to say, you can utter something like, “God, help me,” or “God, I need you.” My mama taught me that just saying “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” is a prayer in itself.

As we rush into this day, may we pause long enough to realize now is the time to pray. In your car, in the shower, lying in the bed. As you wash your dishes or fold your laundry. These are perfect times to pray. On your lawn mower or checking out in the grocery store. The Word tells us to “pray without ceasing.” It seems like an impossible task, but if we begin a simple prayer with God, it is a conversation that never has to end.

As we start our days with prayer, we are seeking God first in all things. It is amazing how the rest of our day will fall into place.

Put God first in everything!

Psalms 150:6 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

Prayer can be praise and thankfulness.

When we begin our day with prayer, we start our day with God. By putting God first, God puts everything else in order.

So, when is the best time to pray? Right now!

Let’s pray;

Dear Lord, this is the day that YOU have made, we will rejoice and be glad in. With YOU first in our lives, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

P.S. Leave me a comment because I love hearing from you. Forward this message to a friend and share it on Facebook. Until next time, practice putting God first in your life by beginning each day in prayer. -M

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