Advent: Prepare to make room

Have you ever had to prepare to make room for something or someone? Typically, if it is a piece of furniture, you know it is on its way and you move everything around so it will fit. But what if someone unexpectedly shows up for dinner?

We had a friend show up one night right as we sat down to eat. Of course, we invited him to join us. When he accepted, we all scrunched together, quickly pulled out another place setting, and made room for him at the table.

I have been thinking a lot about Advent lately and the preparation it should require but is often overlooked. I think about the years I have rushed on to Christmas Day, leaving no space to receive the greatest gift ever given.

This year, I want to prepare to make room for Jesus. I want to intentionally slow down, making space to receive Him who gave us everything. I want to experience joy on a whole new level. Today, we are going to prepare to make room.

Last week, I received this group text from a minister which read, “Let every heart prepare him room. Notice some excess clutter in your schedule, your mind, your heart. Cart it out. Take it to the curb. Make space for God.” This is how we prepare to make room for Him.

This is our time to prepare.  

Advent is all about preparation. To prepare is to make ready. The problem with “today’s” Christmas is that it is never enough. We fill our schedules with holiday events, parades, lights, meals, gift buying, wrapping, and giving. All of which are a part of a commercialized Christmas, designed to keep us busy, crowding out the true meaning of Christmas, pushing the “Christ” right out of it all!

Advent reminds us to make space for Jesus, to prepare to make room, and to relish in the thought of God being birthed within us.

One of my favorite Christmas carols is “Joy to the World.” It is usually sung closer to Christmas Day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. However, I started singing it last week. When you look at the words, “Let every heart prepare him room,” it reminds us to be intentional in our preparation leading up to the day.

Making room for God does not just happen. We have to make space and carve out time now. It is kind of like knowing a new piece of furniture is going to arrive on Tuesday. So you prepare to make room for its arrival. Jesus is not a piece of furniture. However, we may need to start moving some stuff around in order for Him to fit into our lives.

There is something very freeing, joyful even, about making space for God.

Find your JOY!

This year, starting today, I want to encourage you, as you journey toward Christmas, to make space for God‘s greatest gift. Approach Christmas a little slower. Be intentional in what you choose to do and what you say “no” to. You have a special arrival coming and now is the time to prepare to make room.

God gave us His greatest joy. It is up to us to make room to receive that Joy.

Don’t miss the joy this Christmas.

Let us pray;

God of all that is, create in us a heart filled with joy. Teach us how to prepare to make room for Jesus, so that we may receive the greatest gift ever given. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

P.S. Check out the YouTube below. If you can’t see it, open this message from your browser. Leave me a comment and let me know how you prepare to make room for Jesus this Christmas. Forward this message to a friend and ask them to subscribe to my website. Share on Facebook and tag me in it. And meet me back here next week, as we discover that Joy and Jesus are linked. Until then, prepare to make room! -M

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