Draw near to God and God will draw near to you

James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and God will draw near to you.”  That’s a promise. I remember the darkest time in my life.  I was medically sick for several weeks and no one could tell me what it was or how to heal from it.  I remember thinking that God had abandoned me in my time of need.  I laid in the bed wondering if this would pass and where God was.  I could not see my way out.  It was indeed my darkest hour.  Can you relate?  Do you have a darkest hour?  Are you there now?

Know this, even Jesus felt abandoned by God.  When Jesus hung on the cross, in those last few hours of his life, darkness covered the earth.  It was not only Jesus’ darkest hour, but the whole sky went black too.  Jesus uttered these words, from Mark 15:34, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  The word forsaken means ,”to turn away from entirely.” Jesus thought God had turned away from him.  But God had not left Jesus.  God was there, hanging on that cross with Jesus, bearing his pain and suffering for Jesus and for us all!  Jesus did not see it in that moment but that did not make it any less true.  Jesus models for us the ways in which we are to walk, talk, live, breathe and even die.  In those final hours, Jesus is showing us the way.  Because we know how the story ends. 

But what about you?  Do you feel like God has forsaken you?  Do you feel abandoned, as if God has turned away from you entirely?   Just like God had not forsaken Jesus, God has not forsaken you.  God has not forsaken me.   I read this quote from Pete Scazzero the other day, “From the greatest evil, the killing of Jesus, came the greatest good.”  Immediately I think of Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…”  The Message reads like this, “That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. ”  And goes on to say, “God knew what he was doing from the very beginning.”  I’ve included the link to the Message.  I would suggest you go there and read the whole passage.  It’s so good.  Even in this moment when Jesus, the son of God, could not perceive what God was doing, God was working out Jesus’ death to the ultimate good for all of humanity.  Do you get that?  What I’m telling you, in my darkest hour, I could not fathom the good that God was working out on my behalf.  That doesn’t matter.  Because God is still working it out.  Rest in that.  There’s an old hymn I’m thinking of,  Nearer My God to Thee.  I’ve included the link.  I hope you will listen to it and then go back and read the words.  Make it your prayer.  And know that when we draw near to God, God promises to draw near to us.  And even in our darkest hour, God is there, working it out to the good of those that love God.

Let us pray.

Dear Lord, when we forget you are with us, remind us.  When the days are too hard and too dark, bring us sunshine.  Light the way before us, so we can see. Thank you for reminding us that if we draw near to you, you will draw to us.  And in our darkest hour,  may we rest in the peace knowing that you are in fact with us.  In Jesus name, Amen. -M

ps – if you feel you need extra prayer, please visit my prayer page.  Send me a message and know that I will be praying for you.  Check out my resources page, where there is a link for a 24 hour prayer line.  There are people waiting to pray for you.


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