Fire! Fire!

This past Sunday, the church celebrated Pentecost. The day the Holy Spirit arrives!

With the rushing wind and the “tongues of fire,” I can only imagine what those people experienced on that incredible day. I would have been screaming, “Fire! Fire!” But when the Spirit of Truth appears, it’s important to stand and embrace the miracle. Don’t run from it. Today, we are going to discover what happens when your spark turns into an all out fire.

Last week, we learned it only takes a spark to get a fire going. The significance of Acts 2. reveals everything Jesus told his disciples. He was preparing them, kindling their little sparks. But God was about to throw gasoline on that fire. Let us not run from the fear of the unknown. Instead, let’s stand and embrace the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit!

Without the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing. All throughout the book of John, Jesus is getting us ready for his going and its coming.

John 16:7 reads,

But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” 

John 14:16-17; “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth.

In regards to the Advocate or “Spirit of Truth,” my study note reads, “In essence and in action the Spirit is characterized by truth. He brings people to the truth of God. All three persons of the Trinity are linked with truth. But the Spirit was “with” Jesus’ disciples and would be “in” them. Some believe the latter relationship (the indwelling) specifically anticipates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.”

Therefore, these are my thoughts; we need the Holy Spirit in order to come into a right relationship with God. That’s how important the Spirit is. Once we come into the relationship, the Spirit empowers us to do the work of Christ.

Without God, we can do nothing! 

John 14:26, “But the Advocate (or Counselor), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

Why do I mention these things? We need to lay a firm foundation in order to embrace the power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. We need to understand the Spirit of Truth will teach us all things and remind us of all things. That same Spirit, that equipped Jesus, will guide us and guard us and empower us to do the work of Christ here on Earth.

Studying the scriptures and applying those truths to our lives will turn our little spark into an blazing fire. Isn’t that what we want? It is definitely what the world needs! We cannot do the work of Jesus without that fire burning inside us.

Our lives have purpose and meaning. This is not a dress rehearsal for our heavenly home. Yes, we are promised heaven and it will be far greater than we could ever imagine. But God has work for us to do here and now. We are to represent Christ to the world! We are the Kingdom of God here on Earth. And because of that Spirit we carry within us, that fire, others will come to know God. How powerful! How impactful! This can change the world! You can change the world!

Let us pray,

Holy Spirit, light in us a blazing fire. Help us to burn so bright, others are drawn to You, God. Keep our fire burning even on the darkest nights. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. I love hearing from you, so leave me a comment below. Be sure to forward this message to a friend and ask them to subscribe to my website. Post on Facebook and tag me in it. Let’s spread God’s love all around the world. Next week, we are going to begin looking at what we can actually do when we embrace the power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. You won’t want to miss it! -M

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