With six months of pandemic upon us, it would be perfectly normal to be restless right about now. Here’s the thing, I have been more than a little restless lately. It shows up in everything I do. I can’t focus on work, daily task or even in my prayer life. I’m fidgety and anxious. However, I never thought this might be God speaking to me. God is always trying to get our attention. As I listened to a sermon by a popular TV minister on […]
Living a Life of Love
Where do you find God? I find God in the most unusual places, often when I’m feeling low or just plain stressed out. When things are going good, it is easy to forget about God. But when things take a turn for the worse, I go running straight to God. Last week, I hit a bit of a bottom. Feeling about as low as I’ve ever felt, I wanted to blame my hormones or the overwhelm of school starting back. My body was revolting against […]
It’s been a tough week for me. I feel like I have run out of gas. I’m tired and distracted. My son did go back to school. Maybe I’m just irritable. Whatever the case, I wish someone would flip a switch and turn my energy back on. The problem is, I can’t find the switch. Coffee doesn’t help. So I drink more coffee. That makes sense. I’m tired so I lay down. But I’m so restless, I have to get back up. I just can’t […]
In order to cultivate a deeper relationship with God, we need to hear from God. But, there is one thing we must realize; the first step in hearing is feeling. Last week, I told a story about a friend who didn’t think she was hearing from God. While sharing her heart, the hairs on my arm stood up. As she continued, I became aware of this feeling or energy moving between us. Compelled to point it out, I stopped her in mid-sentence. But what happened […]
I would like to think I am living in the Spirit all the time. But truth be told, I’m often living for myself which shuts out the Spirit. Not living in the Spirit makes it really hard to find God. But, when I am in that spiritual space, I can see, hear and recognize God all around me. Living in the Spirit by hearing helps me have a deeper relationship with God. Last week, I shared why I do what I do? My passion is […]
I love writing about the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God intrigues me. Apparently it does you too, with all the shares and comments I have received lately. Thank you for that! I like to think I am living in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Sometimes, I have a hard time keeping up. Take today for example. As I prepared to write my blog, I had this memory pop up on […]