I struggle with anxiety. A lot. More than I care to admit. Today, like most days, my mind begins to fill with a thousand thoughts. My to-do list seems to write itself and before I know it, the list has morphed into one for work, one for home and one for me. Now I have more to do than any one human could complete in a week’s time, much less TODAY. The overflow of my mind somehow drops into my chest. My breath begins to shorten and my […]
Living a Life of Love
Often I find myself overwhelmed with what could be done to help others in regards to community and service. Overwhelmed with what I could do or what I should do. When I look at the world around me, the hurt and the pain, at the homelessness, poverty and down right ugliness of this world, it seems to be too much. I don’t understand why it is this way. These are the muddy moments of life. Where nothing is quite as clear as it should […]
Let me be content In a season of buy, buy, buy; I find very little contentment within myself. 1Timothy 6:8, reminds me that I have ‘enough food’, more than enough actually. And I have ‘enough clothes’, clothes hanging in my closet that still have tags on them. “Let us be content.” Let ME be content. This is my prayer for me and my family. Give pause It’s a healthy reminder when this busy Christmas season tends to shove more, more, more down my throat. More gifts, […]
I dream big dreams. However, it has not always been that way. Some years back, I had this man randomly approach me and say, “God wants you to know, it is okay to dream big dreams.” The statement energized me then and it still energizes me now. God needed me to know that it is okay to dream. Because, “nothing is impossible for God.” God wants you to dream big dreams too. Sometimes, we are afraid to dream because of the fear of failure or […]
Have you ever thought you have power over the world around you? Not in a Harry Potter, kind of way. In the way a stone thrown into a lake, kind of way. The ripples of my life, touch and impact as they travel out from my center. I believe that the way in which you believe actually creates the world around you. My beliefs, my words, attitudes and actions actually impact the world around me. Impacts the people I come in contact with, those seen […]