
overwhelmed -go do somethingOften I find myself overwhelmed with what could be done to help others in regards to community and service.  Overwhelmed with what I could do or what I should do. When I look at the world around me, the hurt and the pain, at the homelessness, poverty and down right ugliness of this world, it seems to be too much.  I don’t understand why it is this way.

These are the muddy moments of life.

  Where nothing is quite as clear as it should be.  Those moments where nothing is good enough.  I am overwhelmed because my efforts are just a single drop in the proverbial bucket, a pebble tossed into the lake of life.  But have you ever tossed a pebble in the lake and watched the ripples ripple out from that moment of impact?  That’s us. It’s the difference I can make.  That is the difference you can make.  That is the difference we can make, one simple act of kindness at a time.

I feel you.

One kind word, one soft smile, a gentle wave of your hand and you acknowledge, “I see you”, “I feel you”, “I am you.” As you look at this sea of people, don’t see the people, see the one.  And then, don’t just see the one.  See the ONE in the one.  The light, the life, the source that makes us all connected.  If I could move to this place of seeing, of feeling, of being, then what?  Then what could I do? What would I do?  The water might not seem so muddy.  I believe I can do anything!  I believe you can too!

Start with seeing- Move to feeling.

Let me encourage you today.  Start with seeing.  Move to feeling.  And then to being.  And be amazed at the opportunities of joy that will lie before you, one simple act of kindness at a time.